An Empirical Formula for Calculating Threshold Dose of Film Enhanced Adhesion Induced by Fast Heavy Ion Irradiation 一个计算快重离子辐照引起薄膜附着增强剂量阈值的实验公式
Analysis of Sensitive Parameter and Damage Threshold Probability Models for MOS Devices Total Dose Irradiation Effects MOS器件总剂量效应敏感参数及其损伤阈值的概率模型分析
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound: Threshold Dose Causing Death to Cultured Tumor Cells 高强度聚焦超声致培养肿瘤细胞死亡的阈值量研究
In conclusion, the threshold dose of HEDP causing chronic intoxication was equivalent to 160 mg/ kg/ day, and the safety subthreshold dose 40mg/ kgdaily. HEDP对大鼠产生慢性毒作用的阈剂量为每日160mg/kg,阈下安全剂量为每日40mg/kg。
We suggest that doses of 700 rad which almost injure all the haemopoietic stem cells may be applied as a threshold dose of bone marrow ( or stem cells from blood and fetal liver) transplantation for treatment of acute radiation sickness in dogs. 因而认为700rad是适宜以移植骨髓(或胚胎肝、外周血造血干细胞)治疗急性放射病的阈剂量。
The threshold voltage's shift versus the dose rate was analyzed on this device. 分析了该电路的阈值电压随辐射剂量率的变化关系。
Objective: To determine whether diagnostic ultrasound wave irradiations do harm to the fetus of second trimester of pregnancy and to establish the safe threshold dose. 目的:探讨诊断用超声波对中孕宫内胎儿检查是否安全及安全阈值剂量。
Methods Mice spontaneous activities, mice sleep time induced by sodium pentobarbital in the threshold dose and under the threshold dose and mice convulsion induced by strychnine nitrate were observed to evaluate the sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsive actions of YXL. 方法通过YXL对实验小鼠自发活动的影响,对戊巴比妥钠阈下剂量、阈剂量小鼠睡眠时间和对硝酸士的宁致小鼠惊厥的影响,研究YXL镇静、催眠、抗惊厥作用。
For a film having a larger value of elasticity modulus, the threshold dose is higher. 弹性模量大的金属薄膜对应的增强附着的阈剂量也大。
It is found that the change of threshold voltage value fits in exponential law with absorbed dose, which is caused by the effect of space charge and interface charge. 产生这种现象的原因是场效应管氧化物中的空间俘获电荷与吸收剂量近似成线性变化,对阈值电压变化和吸收剂量有近似线性的改变;
Deduced has been a relationship between the threshold voltage of MOSFET and the radiation dose rate. 计算了MOSFET阈电压与辐射剂量率之间的关系。
Threshold dose to developing central nerve system of rats and mice from prenatal exposure to 氚水照射对发育中的中枢神经系统影响&低水平氚剂量阈值研究
Conclusion The cell killing effect in Hela cells exposed to β radiation of 32 P has the threshold characteristics in terms of dose, dose rate and radiation time; 结论32Pβ射线照射Hela细胞的生物反应具有剂量、时间、剂量率的阈值特点。
An empirical formula for calculating the threshold dose is presented. 在实验的基础上给出了一个计算剂量阈值的公式。
Determination of the threshold value of residual hemopoietic stem cells in mice after large dose~ ( 60) co irradiation 大剂量~(60)Co照射后存活小鼠造血干细胞阈值的测定
Part I Investigation of the model test [ PURPOSE] To approve the probability of reducing X-ray dose by the vitro model test, and to select reasonable low-dose ( mA) and threshold value of the lowest dose. 第一部分体模实验研究[目的]:通过体外模型实验证实在CTPA检查中降低射线剂量的可能性,并筛选出合理低剂量(mA)和最低剂量阈值。
The space charges affect threshold voltage of MOSFET varying linearly with absorbed dose, and the interface charges have a compensational role to space charges, it affects threshold voltage varying linearly with square of absorbed dose. 而界面态对空间电荷有补偿作用,其对阈值电压的改变与吸收剂量有近似成二次方的关系。
The upper threshold dose for crypt cell repair is probably between 10~ 30 Gy. 结肠细胞修复的上限剂量可能在10~30Gy之间。
Statistical analysis of threshold voltage changes of CMOS devices before and after total dose irradiation 总剂量辐照前后CMOS器件阈电压变化的统计分析
Tissue damage is a threshold process, each dose curve can be regarded as the threshold curve, degree of injury increases exponentially with distance attenuation. 组织损伤是阈值过程,每条剂量曲线可被视为阈值曲线,损伤程度随距离的增加呈指数衰减。
Threshold shift of MOS devices is the main damage caused by total dose radiation effect. 阈值电压漂移是电离辐照总剂量效应对MOS器件产生的主要损伤。
Secondly, the advantages of SOI and its disadvantage in anti-total dose effect are presented. The near relationship between threshold shift of SOI and total dose of radiation effect is also established and verified by ISE software. 此外,分析了SOI结构的优势和在抗总剂量辐照效应方面存在的缺陷,推导出SOI结构电离辐照效应阈值电压漂移量与辐照总剂量之间关系模型,并利用IES软件进行仿真验证。
The drug dosage threshold is closely related to efficacy, a narrow dose range is difficult to cover all the effective dose of the drug treatment of different diseases, which may limit the choice of the optimal dose of clinical prescription and affect the efficacy. 药物用量范围的宽与窄,与疗效密切相关,过于狭窄的剂量范围难以涵盖该药物治疗不同疾病的全部有效剂量,会限制临床处方最佳剂量的选择,影响疗效。
However, there is the inevitable effect of annealing with this structure, so that part of the trapped hole escapes from the charge traps, the drift of the threshold voltage can not truely reflect the total dose of radiation the sensor has. 但是这种结构中存在着不可避免的退火效应,使部分被俘获的空穴逃逸,阈值电压的漂移量就不能真实地反映所吸收的辐照总剂量,传感器的灵敏度由于退火效应而降低。
Through numerical calculation, the relationship between threshold shift of MOS devices and total dose of radiation effect is established, and also verified through simulation by ISE software. 通过数值推导,建立MOS器件电离辐照效应阈值电压漂移量与辐照总剂量之间关系模型,并利用ISE软件模拟仿真辐照过程,对模型进行验证。